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Title: การศึกษาสารสนเทศที่สนับสนุนห่วงโซ่อุปทานการส่งออกผลไม้ไทยสู่จีน เพื่อเป็นแนวทางพัฒนาการค้าข้ามแดนผลไม้ไทย
Other Titles: A Study of supporting information for a thai fruit supply chain exporting to China as a guideline for thai cross-border trade
Authors: มัทธกานต์ ปาลี
Authors: นภาพร รีวีระกุล
มัทธกานต์ ปาลี
Issue Date: Aug-2024
Publisher: เชียงใหม่ : บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
Abstract: This study aims to explore the information that supports the export of Thai fruits to China throughout the entire supply chain and to use this information as a guideline for developing cross-border trade of Thai fruits. This qualitative research was conducted by planning the study, followed by collecting interview data from 20 participants involved in the supply chain of Thai fruit exports to China. The participants included 10 fruit orchard farmers, 4 middlemen/packing house, 4 transport operators/agents, and 2 fruit importers from Thailand. The interview results were then analyzed using the SCOR Model and the Value Chain concept to understand the information that can support the export of Thai fruits. The study provides recommendations for information that will assist stakeholders in the supply chain in supporting the export of Thai fruits to China, aiming to eliminate time and cost related obstacles and enhance operational efficiency, ultimately leading to the delivery of valuable products to end customers and increasing Thailand's competitive advantage. The study found that the operations of fruit orchard farmers should focus on activities such as harvesting, yield forecasting, selling, documentation, record-keeping, risk management, identifying problems and obstacles, and providing recommendations. The operations of middlemen/packing house were divided into activities including procurement, exporting to China, documentation, record-keeping, risk management, identifying problems and obstacles, and providing recommendations. Transport operators/agents' operations included activities such as providing transportation services, customs clearance, information systems usage, transportation modes, export documentation, control of goods in transit, transportation costs, transit time to end customers, shipment tracking, return trip management, insurance, risk management, identifying problems and obstacles, and providing recommendations. The end customers or fruit importers from Thailand involved purchasing fruits from Thailand, order tracking, payment processing, risk management, identifying problems and obstacles, and providing recommendations. The researcher has proposed information that supports the export of Thai fruits to China throughout the supply chain, and for each unit within the supply chain to use the information from this study as a guideline for developing cross-border trade of Thai fruits.
Appears in Collections:CAMT: Independent Study (IS)

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