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dc.contributor.authorRory Anthony Hutagalungen_US
dc.contributor.authorClaudia Tjiptadien_US
dc.contributor.authorVivitri Dewi Prasastyen_US
dc.contributor.authorAnthon De Fretesen_US
dc.identifier.citationChiang Mai Journal of Science 46, 5 (Sep 2019), 907 - 914en_US
dc.description.abstractThe low survival rate is the main issue on marine ornamental fish trading due to improper acclimatization. So far, the drip-line method is the most practical method. However, the approach is not efficient and harmful for fish close to a threshold of death. This research introduced a new acclimatization method, combining pH and carbonate hardness regulation, allowing direct and safe fish transfer from contaminated packing water to the water system. The objective of this research was to increase the survival rate through pH and carbonate hardness regulation at an industrial scale. This research was conducted by factorial design. The low pH method was performed by lowering the pH of new and clean water, combined with two levels of carbonate hardness. Six species representing marine ornamental fish types were tested. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) on the survival rate among the species. The difference was somewhat correlated to the acclimatization method and the carbonate hardness level. The highest survival rate was performed by the low pH method (99%) and significantly higher (p=0.000) compared to a drip-line method (78.91%) and conventional method (44.07%). Regarding carbonate hardness, high carbonate hardness showed a significantly higher survival rate (p=0.000) than the normal carbonate hardness. Thus, the best method is the combination of low pH method and high carbonate hardnessen_US
dc.publisherScience Faculty of Chiang Mai Universityen_US
dc.subjectlow pHen_US
dc.subjectcarbonate hardnessen_US
dc.subjectornamental fishen_US
dc.subjectindustrial scaleen_US
dc.subjectsurvival rateen_US
dc.titleMarine Fish Acclimatization Technique At Industrial Scaleen_US
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