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dc.contributor.authorPimubon Waikhamen_US
dc.contributor.authorPatcharawadee Thongkumkoonen_US
dc.contributor.authorSiriwadee Chomdejen_US
dc.contributor.authorAizhong Liuen_US
dc.contributor.authorPrasit Wangpakapattanawongen_US
dc.description.abstract© 2017, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature. Catanopsis tribuloides is a climax tree species commonly distributed in evergreen forests and has been used to restore degraded areas in northern Thailand. To aid in study of genetic diversity of the species, microsatellite markers, which are specific to C. tribuloides, were developed using whole genome sequencing by next-generation sequencing technology. The primers for microsatellite were developed and screened for optimal annealing temperature by PCR assay. The loci primers specific with C. tribuloides, 13 polymorphic microsatellite primers were successfully developed. The results from genetic information analyzing showed the number of alleles presented were between 2 and 24. Accordingly, the expected and observed heterozygosity obtained were between 0.298 and 0.920 and 0.364 to 1.000, respectively. Null allele frequency was presented 0.000–0.199. Genetic information was generated 10 loci primers significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium. All 13 primer pairs of loci were not significant with linkage disequilibrium. A set of microsatellite markers in this study could be applied to gene flow, genetic structure and population genetic studies in the future.en_US
dc.subjectBiochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biologyen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of 13 microsatellite markers for Castanopsis tribuloides (Fagaceae) using next-generation sequencingen_US
article.title.sourcetitleMolecular Biology Reportsen_US
article.volume45en_US Mai Universityen_US Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciencesen_US
Appears in Collections:CMUL: Journal Articles

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