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dc.contributor.authorM. Krasilnikoven_US
dc.contributor.authorF. Stephanen_US
dc.contributor.authorG. Asovaen_US
dc.contributor.authorH. J. Graboschen_US
dc.contributor.authorM. Großen_US
dc.contributor.authorL. Hakobyanen_US
dc.contributor.authorI. Isaeven_US
dc.contributor.authorY. Ivanisenkoen_US
dc.contributor.authorL. Jachmannen_US
dc.contributor.authorM. Khojoyanen_US
dc.contributor.authorG. Klemzen_US
dc.contributor.authorW. Köhleren_US
dc.contributor.authorM. Mahgouben_US
dc.contributor.authorD. Malyutinen_US
dc.contributor.authorM. Nozdrinen_US
dc.contributor.authorA. Oppelten_US
dc.contributor.authorM. Otevrelen_US
dc.contributor.authorB. Petrosyanen_US
dc.contributor.authorS. Rimjaemen_US
dc.contributor.authorA. Shapovaloven_US
dc.contributor.authorG. Vashchenkoen_US
dc.contributor.authorS. Weidingeren_US
dc.contributor.authorR. Wenndorffen_US
dc.contributor.authorK. Flöttmannen_US
dc.contributor.authorM. Hoffmannen_US
dc.contributor.authorS. Ledereren_US
dc.contributor.authorH. Schlarben_US
dc.contributor.authorS. Schreiberen_US
dc.contributor.authorI. Templinen_US
dc.contributor.authorI. Willen_US
dc.contributor.authorV. Paramonoven_US
dc.contributor.authorD. Richteren_US
dc.description.abstractHigh brightness electron sources for linac based free-electron lasers (FELs) are being developed at the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY, Zeuthen site (PITZ). Production of electron bunches with extremely small transverse emittance is the focus of the PITZ scientific program. The photoinjector optimization in 2008-2009 for a bunch charge of 1, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.1nC resulted in measured emittance values which are beyond the requirements of the European XFEL. Several essential modifications were commissioned in 2010-2011 at PITZ, resulting in further improvement of the photoinjector performance. Significant improvement of the rf gun phase stability is a major contribution in the reduction of the measured transverse emittance. The old TESLA prototype booster was replaced by a new cut disk structure cavity. This allows acceleration of the electron beam to higher energies and supports much higher flexibility for stable booster operation as well as for longer rf pulses which is of vital importance especially for the emittance optimization of low charge bunches. The transverse phase space of the electron beam was optimized at PITZ for bunch charges in the range between 0.02 and 2nC, where the quality of the beam measurements was preserved by utilizing long pulse train operation. The experimental optimization yielded worldwide unprecedented low normalized emittance beams in the whole charge range studied. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the 3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.en_US
dc.subjectPhysics and Astronomyen_US
dc.titleExperimentally minimized beam emittance from an L-band photoinjectoren_US
article.title.sourcetitlePhysical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beamsen_US
article.volume15en_US Elektronen-Synchrotronen_US Born Instituteen_US for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciencesen_US Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)en_US for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Bulgarian Academy of Sciencesen_US Mai Universityen_US
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