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Title: การประเมินความคุ้มค่าและความสำเร็จของโครงการพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจชนบทเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหาสิ่งแวดล้อม (PM2.5จากไฟป่า) กรณีศึกษาโครงการพัฒนาน้ำบาดาล บ้านก้อ อำเภอลี้ จังหวัดลำพูน
Other Titles: Evaluation of worthiness and success of rural economic development projects for environmental problem solving (PM2.5 from forest fires): A Case study of the groundwater development project in Kor, Li District, Lamphun Province
Authors: ชินวัตร กาศสกุล
Authors: จารึก สิงหปรีชา
มาโนช โพธาภรณ์
ชินวัตร กาศสกุล
Issue Date: Aug-2024
Publisher: เชียงใหม่ : บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
Abstract: The Groundwater Development Project in Kor, Li District, Lamphun Province, is a large-scale groundwater infrastructure project aimed at supporting agriculture and community consumption. It operates under the assumption that rural economic development can reduce forest fires, a major source of PM2.5 pollution, caused by poverty-driven harvesting of forest products. This research aims to evaluate the project’s worthiness by assessing its efficiency through Return on Investment (ROI) and its effectiveness through Social Return on Investment (SROI) from 2022 to 2027. The findings indicate that while the project is efficient, challenges remain in terms of effectiveness. The study also assesses the project's success in changing environmentally harmful behaviors, using a Decision Tree to evaluate behavior change in relation to forest fires. The results confirm behavior change consistent with the assumptions, with selective benefits, age, eco-friendly behavior, and group influence identified as significant factors through the Collective Interest Model (CIM) and Binary Logistic Regression analysis.
Appears in Collections:POL: Theses

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