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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Development of a microcolumn system for enhancng performance in flow injection spectrophotometric determination of copper / Boonlom PurachatBoonlom Purachat
2004Development of spectrophotometric and modern chromatographic techniques for determination of some pharmaceuticals / Napaporn YoungvisesNapaporn Youngvises
2000Method development for determination of diphenhydramine hydrochloride by spectrophotometric flow injection analysis / Prapatsorn IntamoonPrapatsorn Intamoon
1994Determination of zirconium by flow injection system = การหาปริมาณเซอร์โคเนียมโดยระบบโฟลอินเจคซัน / Mayuree UtamongMayuree Utamong
1998Development of flow injection analysis method for trace aluminium determination / Sakchai SatienperakulSakchai Satienperakul
1998Development of flow injection methods for the determination of uranium and yttrium / Sasipron KunapongkitiSasipron Kunapongkiti
1998Assessment of paraquat contamination in potable and surface waters from Sarapee district Chiang Mai province / Rejina(Maskey) ByanjuByanju, Rejina (Maskey)
2001Method development for determinations of ascorbic acid in vitamin C tablet and acetic acid in vinegar by sequential injection spectrophotometry / Narong LenghorNarong Lenghor
2001Development of flow injection spectrophotometric and voltammetric methods for determination of ascorbic acid in fruit juices / Kieatsuda PoouthreeKieatsuda Poouthree