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Results 3561-3570 of 25840 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Mar-2013Intestinal myofibroblasts produce nitric oxide in response to combinatorial cytokine stimulationJianfeng Wu; Taned Chitapanarux; Yishi Chen; Russell K. Soon; Hal F. Yee
15-Feb-2013A modified colorimetric method of gelatinolytic assay using bacterial collagenase type II as a modelMaslin Osathanunkul; Kittisak Buddhachat; Siriwadee Chomdej
1-Feb-2013Highly sulfated hexasaccharide sequences isolated from chondroitin sulfate of shark fin cartilage: Insights into the sugar sequences with bioactivitiesShuji Mizumoto; Saori Murakoshi; Kittiwan Kalayanamitra; Sarama Sathyaseelan Deepa; Shigeyuki Fukui; Prachya Kongtawelert; Shuhei Yamada; Kazuyuki Sugahara
1-Feb-2013Phenylpropanoid derivatives from Clausena harmandiana fruitsWisanu Maneerat; Wong Phakhodee; Thunwadee Ritthiwigrom; Sarot Cheenpracha; Suwanna Deachathai; Surat Laphookhieo
1-Jan-2013Epidemiology of cercarial stage of trematodes in freshwater snails from Chiang Mai province, ThailandThapana Chontananarth; Chalobol Wongsawad
1-Feb-2013HRTEM and HAADF-STEM of precipitates at peak ageing of cast A319 aluminium alloyAmporn Wiengmoon; John T.H. Pearce; Torranin Chairuangsri; Seiji Isoda; Hikaru Saito; Hiroki Kurata
2-Nov-2013Electrostatic evaluation of a unipolar diffusion and field charger of aerosol particles by a corona dischargePanich Intra; Artit Yawootti; Nakorn Tippayawong
1-Jun-2013Investigating design of zero acceptance number single sampling plans with inspection errorsWichai Chattinnawat
21-Feb-2013Corporate Social Responsibility-Oriented Compliances and SMEs Access to Global Market: Evidence from BangladeshMia Mahmudur Rahim; Pornchai Wisuttisak
1-Dec-2013Theoretical study on excited-state intermolecular proton transfer reactions of 1H-pyrrolo[3,2-h]quinoline with water and methanolNawee Kungwan; Rathawat Daengngern; Tammarat Piansawan; Supa Hannongbua; Mario Barbatti