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Results 1-10 of 3203 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Feb-2013Fast and blister-free irradiation conditions for cross-linking of PMMA induced by 2 MeV protonsSomrit Unai; Nitipon Puttaraksa; Nirut Pussadee; Kanda Singkarat; Michael W. Rhodes; Harry J. Whitlow; Somsorn Singkarat
1-Jan-2013Photoabsorption and photocatalysis of SrSnO<inf>3</inf>produced by a cyclic microwave radiationPatcharanan Junploy; Somchai Thongtem; Titipun Thongtem
14-Nov-2014Catch me if you can: Predicting mobility patterns of public transport usersStefan Foell; Santi Phithakkitnukoon; Gerd Kortuem; Marco Veloso; Carlos Bento
18-Nov-2014A review of Data Development Analysis (DEA) applications in supply chain management researchWoramol Chaowarat; Pairach Piboonrungroj; Jianming Shi
1-Apr-2014The split plot with repeated randomised complete block design can reduce psychological biases in consumer acceptance testingWannita Jirangrat; Jing Wang; Sujinda Sriwattana; Hong Kyoon No; Witoon Prinyawiwatkul
19-Mar-2014Synthesis and characterization of sodium AMPS-based interpenetrating network hydrogels for use as temporary wound dressingJuraiporn Porkaew; Runglawan Somsunan; Kanarat Nalampang; Robert Molloy
31-Mar-2014ECSE: A pseudo-SDLC game for software engineering classSakgasit Ramingwong; Lachana Ramingwong
1-Jan-2014Determination of material parameter of gelatin-carboxymethylcellouse scaffold with dehydrothermal crosslinking technique using curve fitting methodNad Siroros; Nattawit Promma
1-Jan-2014Characterization of phosphate glass/hydroxyapatite scaffold for palate repairWassanai Wattanutchariya; Pornpatima Yenbut
1-Jan-2014Determination of tensile properties of hemp-fiber bundle by using tensile testing equipment with raspberry PiPaiboon Limpitipanich; Anucha Promwungkwa