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Results 1-10 of 214 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Institutional sustainability for water resource management : a case study of Dong people's water resources management in Zengchong village, Congjiang Country, Guizhou Province, P.R. China / Li ZhinanLi, Zhinan
2003Gendered knowledge in the management of medicinal plants : a case study of Dzao Community in the buffer zone of Ba Vi National Park, Northern Vietnam / Vu Thi Dieu HuongVu, Thi Dieu Huong
2003Education, identity construction and national integration in an ethnic community : a case study of Yunnanese Chinese in Ban Tham Santisuk Village, Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province / Sachiko NakayamaNakayama, Sachiko
2003Negotiating Poverty : poor urban women in a slum community in Ho Chi Minh City and the challenge to their invisibility / Do Bich DiemDo, Bich Diem
2002Changing practices of fruit-based agroforestry as Miao farmers' responses to market and rural development policies in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, P.R. China / Yang CongmingYang, Congming
2003Changes in livelihood strategies as a response of local people to changes in land tenure policies : a case study of a buffer zone community in Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam / Ha Thuc VienHa, Thuc Vien
2003Persistence of community-based forest management (CBFM) in changing forest tenure system in the highland of Nghe An Province, Vietnam / Nguyen Cong ThanhNguyen, Cong Thanh
2002Dynamics of Tibetan pastoralism as practice of identity and knowledge : a case study in a village of Northwest Yunnan Province, P.R. China / Ma JianzhongMa, Jianzhong
2003Agricultural transformation and highlander choice : a case study of a Pwo Karen Community in Northwestern Thailand / Runako SamataSamata, Runako
2002Evaluation of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) : a case study of Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Projects (GGP) in Chiang Mai / Miki NagataNagata, Miki