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Results 1-10 of 22 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2023Development a teaching model with the application of flipped classroom to improve students’ speaking skillChalermpon Kongjit; Yu Cheng
Mar-2023Thai to Chinese translation framework for Thai dishesChalermpon Kongjit; Chen Zhenyu
Mar-2023Development of teaching english pronunciation using community of practices for academic service project staffChalermpon Kongji; Yang Zhujia
Mar-2023The Knowledge model of Chinese language for Chinese e-commerce platform of thai smes entrepreneurPakinee Ariya; Yuqi Zhou
Mar-2023Development of meditation services for Chinese meditate loversChalermpon Kongjit; Yi Zhang
Jan-2023Understanding digital marketing strategies in Chinese long stay people by using multiple criteria decision-making methodsJirapat Wanitwattanakosol; Xiangyu Li
Jan-2023Analyze and modeling cross border of exporting coffee product based on logistic management frameworkJirawit Yanchinda; Jiabao Wu
Jan-2023Knowledge model of coffee shop service management based on the best service quality frameworkJirawit Yanchinda; Min Tao
Mar-2023การพัฒนาต้นแบบส่วนประสานผู้ใช้สำหรับฟังก์ชันในแอปพลิเคชันทางการแพทย์ด้านกายภาพบำบัดสำหรับกลุ่มสตรีตั้งครรภ์อรวิชย์ ถิ่นนุกูล; ราชิษ ปิ่นณรงค์
Jul-2023The study of customer behavior through buying cosmetic products for designing the knowledge map for Thai cosmetic sellersPakinee Ariya; He, Hairui