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Results 4251-4260 of 25840 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2016An experimental evaluation of organic rankine cycle using HCFC-141b as a working fluidPattanachok Saiai; Sumpun Chaitep; Chatchawan Chaichana
1-Jan-2016A content analysis on top risks in social networkingSakgasit Ramingwong; Lachana Ramingwong
1-Jan-2016Ultra-sonication effects on quality attributes of maoberry (Antidesma bunius L.) juicePittaya Chaikham; Pattaneeya Prangthip; Phisit Seesuriyachan
17-Feb-2016Narrowing gaps between research and policy development in climate change adaptation work in the water resources and agriculture sectors of CambodiaVa Dany; Bhishna Bajracharya; Louis Lebel; Michael Regan; Ros Taplin
1-Jan-2016Carbon and nutrient storages in an upper montane forest at Mt. Inthanon Summit, Northern ThailandSoontorn Khamyong; Niwat Anongrak
1-Feb-2016DNA methylation is differentially associated with environmental cadmium exposure based on sex and smoking statusShama Virani; Katie M. Rentschler; Muneko Nishijo; Werawan Ruangyuttikarn; Witaya Swaddiwudhipong; Niladri Basu; Laura S. Rozek
1-Jan-2016Effects of low molecular weight sodium alginate on growth performance, immunity, and disease resistance of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticusHien Van Doan; Wanaporn Tapingkae; Tossapol Moonmanee; Apichart Seepai
1-Feb-2016Relationships between terrestrial and freshwater lignicolous fungiR. Kodsueb; S. Lumyong; E. H.C. McKenzie; A. H. Bahkali; K. D. Hyde
1-Jan-2016Cenozoic structural evolution of the Andaman Sea: Evolution from an extensional to a sheared marginC. K. Morley
2-Jan-2016Tilapia diseases and management in river-based cage aquaculture in northern ThailandChanagun Chitmanat; Phimphakan Lebel; Niwooti Whangchai; Jongkon Promya; Louis Lebel