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Results 4161-4170 of 25840 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2016Application of fuzzy C-Mean clustering base tree for measuring the effectiveness of corporateJirawat Teyakome; Narissara Eiamkanitchat; Komsan Suriya; Phichit Napook
1-Jan-2016Numerical and experimental investigation of low pressure turbine cycle using low temperature heat sourcePattanachok Saiai; Sumpun Chaitep; Chatchawan Chaichana
1-Nov-2016Satellite-surface perspectives of air quality and aerosol-cloud effects on the environment: An overview of 7-SEAS/BASELInESi Chee Tsay; Hal B. Maring; Neng Huei Lin; Sumaman Buntoung; Somporn Chantara; Hsiao Chi Chuang; Philip M. Gabriel; Colby S. Goodloe; Brent N. Holben; Ta Chih Hsiao; N. Christina Hsu; Serm Janjai; William K.M. Lau; Chung Te Lee; Jaehwa Lee; Adrian M. Loftus; Anh X. Nguyen; Cuong M. Nguyen; Shantanu K. Pani; Peter Pantina; Andrew M. Sayer; Wei Kuo Tao; Sheng Hsiang Wang; Ellsworth J. Welton; Wan Wiriya; Ming Cheng Yen
1-Nov-2016Radiative effect of springtime biomass-burning aerosols over northern indochina during 7-SEAS/BASELInE 2013 campaignShantanu Kumar Pani; Sheng Hsiang Wang; Neng Huei Lin; Chung Te Lee; Si Chee Tsay; Brent N. Holben; Serm Janjai; Ta Chih Hsiao; Ming Tung Chuang; Somporn Chantara
1-Nov-2016In-situ and remotely-sensed observations of biomass burning aerosols at Doi Ang Khang, Thailand during 7-SEAS/BASELInE 2015Andrew M. Sayer; N. Christina Hsu; Ta Chih Hsiao; Peter Pantina; Ferret Kuo; Chang Feng Ou-Yang; Brent N. Holben; Serm Janjai; Somporn Chantara; Shen Hsiang Wang; Adrian M. Loftus; Neng Huei Lin; Si Chee Tsay
1-Nov-2016Conjugate hemisphere ionospheric response to the St. Patrick's Day storms of 2013 and 2015 in the 100°E longitude sectorBitap Raj Kalita; Rumajyoti Hazarika; Geetashree Kakoti; P. K. Bhuyan; D. Chakrabarty; G. K. Seemala; K. Wang; S. Sharma; T. Yokoyama; P. Supnithi; T. Komolmis; C. Y. Yatini; M. Le Huy; P. Roy
1-Nov-2016Investigation of the CCN activity, BC and UVBC mass concentrations of biomass burning aerosols during the 2013 BASELInE campaignTa Chih Hsiao; Wei Cheng Ye; Sheng Hsiang Wang; Si Chee Tsay; Wei Nai Chen; Neng Huei Lin; Chung Te Lee; Hui Ming Hung; Ming Tung Chuang; Somporn Chantara
1-Nov-2016COMMIT in 7-SEAS/BASELINE: Operation of and observations from a novel, mobile laboratory for measuring in-situ properties of aerosols and gasesPeter Pantina; Si Chee Tsay; Ta Chih Hsiao; Adrian M. Loftus; Ferret Kuo; Chang Feng Ou-Yang; Andrew M. Sayer; Shen Hsiang Wang; Neng Huei Lin; N. Christina Hsu; Serm Janjai; Somporn Chantara; Anh X. Nguyen
1-Nov-2016Combined administration of low molecular weight sodium alginate boosted immunomodulatory, disease resistance and growth enhancing effects of Lactobacillus plantarum in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)Hien Van Doan; Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar; Wanaporn Tapingkae; Sudaporn Tongsiri; Pimporn Khamtavee
1-Nov-2016Emission profiles of PM<inf>10</inf>-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from biomass burning determined in chamber for assessment of air pollutants from open burningWan Wiriya; Somporn Chantara; Sopittaporn Sillapapiromsuk; Neng Huei Lin