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Results 4031-4040 of 25840 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Apr-2016SchizothyriaceaeR. Phookamsak; S. Boonmee; C. Norphanphoun; D. N. Wanasinghe; N. I. de Silva; M. C. Dayarathne; S. Hongsanan; D. J. Bhat; Kevin D. Hyde
1-May-2016Ophiosimulans tanaceti gen. et sp. nov. (Phaeosphaeriaceae) on Tanacetum sp. (Asteraceae) from ItalySaowaluck Tibpromma; Jian Kui Liu; Itthayakorn Promputtha; Erio Camporesi; Ali H. Bhakali; Kevin D. Hyde; Saranyaphat Boonmee
1-May-2016Parasites, pathogens, and pests of honeybees in AsiaPanuwan Chantawannakul; Lilia I. de Guzman; Jilian Li; Geoffrey R. Williams
5-Aug-2016Morpho-physiological diversity in the collection of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) cultivars of the Fruit Genebank in Naoussa, Greece using multivariate analysisIoannis Ganopoulos; Theodoros Moysiadis; Aliki Xanthopoulou; Maslin Osathanunkul; Panagiotis Madesis; Antonios Zambounis; Evangelia Avramidou; Filippos A. Aravanopoulos; Athanasios Tsaftaris; Thomas Sotiropoulos; Ioannis Chatzicharisis; Konstantinos Kazantzis
1-Aug-2016Morphological and molecular evidence support a new truffle, Tuber lannaense, from ThailandNakarin Suwannarach; Jaturong Kumla; Santhiti Vadthanarat; Olivier Raspé; Saisamorn Lumyong
1-Aug-2016Effect of dietary red yeast (Sporidioboluspararoseus) supplementation on small intestinal histomorphometry of laying hensW. Tapingkae; P. Yindee; T. Moonmanee
1-Aug-2016Association of NLK polymorphisms with intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition traits in pigsPantaporn Supakankul; Supamit Mekchay
1-Dec-2016Finding the missing link: Resolving the Coryneliomycetidae within EurotiomycetesA. R. Wood; U. Damm; E. J. van Der Linde; J. Z. Groenewald; R. Cheewangkoon; P. W. Crous
1-Nov-2016Reduced incidence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus and leafminer in a tomato cultivar in northern ThailandR. J. McGovern; L. H. Koh; C. To-anun; S. M. Wong
25-Oct-2016Effect of drying methods on anti-oxidative potential of garlic (Allium sativum L.)P. Wongsa; W. Spreer; J. Müller; P. Sruamsiri