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Results 3981-3990 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2016Genetic diversity and structure of tobacco in greece on the basis of morphological and microsatellite markersApostolos Kalivas; Ioannis Ganopoulos; Irene Bosmali; Eleni Tsaliki; Maslin Osathanunkul; Aliki Xanthopoulou; Theodoros Moysiadis; Evangelia Avramidou; Ioannis Grigoriadis; Antonios Zambounis; Athanasios Tsaftaris; Irini Nianiou-Obeidat; Panagiotis Madesis
1-Sep-2016Cajanus cajan -a source of PPARĪ³ activators leading to anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic effectsRoswitha Schuster; Wolfgang Holzer; Hannes Doerfler; Wolfram Weckwerth; Helmut Viernstein; Siriporn Okonogi; Monika Mueller
5-Sep-2016Seifertia shangrilaensis sp. Nov. (Melanommataceae), a new species from Southwest ChinaJunfu Li; Rungtiwa Phookamsak; Ausana Mapook; Saranyaphat Boonmee; Jarayama D. Bhat; Kevin D. Hyde; Saisamorn Lumyong
1-Oct-2016Sporidesmioides thailandica gen. et sp. nov. (Dothideomycetes) from northern ThailandJun Fu Li; Darbhe J. Bhat; Rungtiwa Phookamsak; Ausana Mapook; Saisamorn Lumyong; Kevin D. Hyde
19-Sep-2016Three new Hermatomyces species (Lophiotremataceae) on Pandanus odorifer from Southern ThailandSaowaluck Tibpromma; Jayarama D. Bhat; Mingkwan Doilom; Saisamorn Lumyong; Sureeporn Nontachaiyapoom; Jun Bo Yang; Kevin David Hyde
1-Sep-2016A new endophytic fungus, Chrysofolia barringtoniae sp. nov., from ThailandNakarin Suwannarach; Jaturong Kumla; Kriangsak Sri-Ngernyuang; Saisamorn Lumyong
2-Jan-2016First report of Phoma leaf spot disease on cherry palm caused by Phoma herbarum in ThailandJaturong Kumla; Nakarin Suwannarach; Saisamorn Lumyong
1-Jan-2016Selective logging simulations and male fecundity variation support customisation of management regimes for specific groups of dipterocarp species in Peninsular MalaysiaN. Tani; S. L. Lee; C. T. Lee; K. K.S. Ng; M. Norwati; G. Pakkad; S. Masuda; S. Ueno; K. Niiyama; T. Yagihashi; T. Otani; T. Kondo; S. Numata; S. Nishimura; T. Okuda; K. Abd Rahman; M. Samsudin; Y. Tsumura
1-Jan-2016Two large rodents from the Middle Miocene of Chiang Muan, northern ThailandYuichiro Nishioka; Hideo Nakaya; Kunihiro Suzuki; Benjavun Ratanasthien; Pratueng Jintasakul; Rattanaphorn Hanta; Yutaka Kunimatsu
1-Jan-2016Mycosphere Essays 9: Defining biotrophs and hemibiotrophsN. I. De Silva; Saisamorn Lumyong; K. D. Hyde; T. Bulgakov; A. J.L. Phillips; J. Y. Yan