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Results 3941-3950 of 25840 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2016Development of HPLC analysis for the determination of retinol and alpha tocopherol in corn oil nanoemulsion lotionW. Thongchai; B. Liawruangrath
1-Jan-2016Chemical composition and comparison of genetic variation of commonly available Thai garlic used as food supplementS. Sommano; N. Saratan; R. Suksathan; T. Pusadee
1-Jan-2016Comparison of physico-chemical quality of different strawberry cultivars at three maturity stagesD. Boonyakiat; C. Chuamuangphan; P. Maniwara; P. Seehanam
16-Sep-2016Anaerobic Bioreactors/Digesters: Design and DevelopmentS. K. Khanal; B. Giri; S. Nitayavardhana; V. Gadhamshetty
1-Sep-2016Vasoprotective effects of rice bran water extract on rats fed with high-fat dietNarongsuk Munkong; Pintusorn Hansakul; Bhornprom Yoysungnoen; Ariyaphong Wongnoppavich; Seewaboon Sireeratawong; Noppamat Kaendee; Nusiri Lerdvuthisopon
1-Sep-2016Effects of conventional and ultrasound treatments on physicochemical properties and antioxidant capacity of floral honeys from Northern ThailandPittaya Chaikham; Varongsiri Kemsawasd; Arunee Apichartsrangkoon
1-Dec-2016Taxonomic Rearrangement of Anthostomella (Xylariaceae) Based on a Multigene Phylogeny and MorphologyDinushani A. Daranagama; Erio Camporesi; Rajesh Jeewon; Xingzhong Liu; Marc Stadler; Siasamorn Lumyong; Kevin D. Hyde
1-Oct-2016Woody Plant Diversity in Urban Homegardens in Northern ThailandPrateep Panyadee; Henrik Balslev; Prasit Wangpakapattanawong; Angkhana Inta
1-Oct-2016Nutritional strategies to improve the lipid composition of meat, with emphasis on Thailand and AsiaS. Jaturasitha; N. Chaiwang; A. Kayan; M. Kreuzer
1-Oct-2016Two new records of Agaricus from Southwest ChinaMao Qiang He; Jie Chen; Rui Lin Zhao