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Results 3931-3940 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2016Phomatosporales ord. nov. and Phomatosporaceae fam. nov., to accommodate Lanspora, Phomatospora and Tenuimurus, gen. nov.I. C. Senanayake; A. M. Al-Sadi; J. D. Bhat; E. Camporesi; A. J. Dissanayake; Saisamorn Lumyong; S. S.N. Maharachchikumbura; K. D. Hyde
1-Jan-2016Evolution of Xylariomycetidae (Ascomycota: Sordariomycetes)M. C. Samarakoon; Kevin D. Hyde; I. Promputtha; S. Hongsanan; H. A. Ariyawansa; S. S.N. Maharachchikumbura; D. A. Daranagama; M. Stadler; A. Mapook
1-Jan-2016Morpho-molecular characterization and epitypification of Annulatascus velatisporusM. C. Dayarathne; S. S.N. Maharachchikumbura; R. Phookamsak; S. C. Fryar; C. To-Anun; E. B.G. Jones; A. M. Al-Sadi; S. E. Zelski; Kevin D. Hyde
1-Jan-2016Aplosporella thailandica; a novel species revealing the sexual-asexual connection in Aplosporellaceae (Botryosphaeriales)A. H. Ekanayaka; A. J. Dissanayake; S. C. Jayasiri; Chaiwat To-anun; Gareth E B Jones; Q. Zhao; K. D. Hyde
1-Jul-2016Studies on Agaricus subtilipes, a new cultivatable species from Thailand, incidentally reveal the presence of Agaricus subrufescens in AfricaNaritsada Thongklang; Jie Chen; Asanka R. Bandara; Kevin D. Hyde; Olivier Raspé; Luis A. Parra; Philippe Callac
28-Jun-2016The holomorph of parasarcopodium (Stachybotryaceae), introducing P. pandanicola sp. nov. on pandanus spSaowaluck Tibpromma; Saranyaphat Boonmee; Nalin N. Wijayawardene; Sajeewa S.N. Maharachchikumbura; Eric H.C. McKenzie; Ali H. Bahkali; E. B. Gareth Jones; Kevin D. Hyde; Itthayakorn Promputtha
1-Jul-2016Analysis of Duplicated Multiple-Samples Rank Data Using the Mack-Skillings TestKennet Mariano Carabante; Jose Ramon Alonso-Marenco; Napapan Chokumnoyporn; Sujinda Sriwattana; Witoon Prinyawiwatkul
1-Jul-2016First report of sour rot on tomato caused by Galactomyces reessii in ThailandNakarin Suwannarach; Jaturong Kumla; Sukanya Nitiyon; Savitree Limtong; Saisamorn Lumyong
1-Jan-2016Determination of gamma oryzanol in rice bran oil by HPLC with molecularly imprinted solid-phase extractionW. Thongchai; B. Liawruangrath
1-Jan-2016Life-history traits and geographical divergence in wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) gene pool in Indochina Peninsula regionT. Pusadee; S. Jamjod; B. Rerkasem; B. A. Schaal