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Results 3881-3890 of 25840 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2015Structure and crystallographic characterization of polyoxygenated cyclohexane derivative from Acer chiangdaoense suntisukSirinapa Nantapap; Saksri Sanyacharernkul; Samroeng Narakaew; Kallayas Sangrueng; Wittawat Phonjaroen; Sunisa Yayong; Narong Nuntasaen; Puttinan Meepowpan; Wilart Pompimon
1-Jan-2015A priori error estimates for finite volume element approximations to second order linear hyperbolic integro-differential equationsSamir Karaa; Amiya K. Pani
1-Jan-2015Chemical constituents from aerial parts of Polyalthia Evecta (Pierre) Finet & Gagnep. Var. AttopeuensisSirinapa Nantapap; Kallaya Sangrueng; Narong Nuntasaen; Puttinan Meepowpan; Wilart Pompimon
1-Jan-2015The generalized solutions of a certain n order differential equations with polynomial coefficientsK. Nonlaopon; S. Orankitjaroen; A. Kananthai
1-Jan-2015Convergence of iterative schemes for solving fixed point problems for multi-valued nonself mappings and equilibrium problemsWatcharaporn Cholamjiak; Prasit Cholamjiak; Suthep Suantai
1-Jan-2015Algorithm and theorem on student activity problemsV. Longani; S. Buada; D. Samana
1-Jan-2015Why copulas have been successful in many practical applications: A theoretical explanation based on computational efficiencyVladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen; Songsak Sriboonchitta; Olga Kosheleva
1-Jan-2015Automatic detection of yeast and pseudohyphal form cells in the human pathogen candida glabrataLuis Frazao; Rui Santos; Miguel Cacho Teixeira; Nipon Theera-Umpon; Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul
1-Jan-2015Geographical Simulation Modeling for evaluating logistics infrastructure: A model for the ASEAN Economic CommunityPoon Thiengburanathum; Ruth Banomyong; Krit Pattamaroj; Satoru Kumagai
1-Jan-2015Volatility linkages between price returns of Crude oil and crude palm oil in the ASEAN region: A copula based GARCH approachTeera Kiatmanaroch; Ornanong Puarattanaarunkorn; Kittawit Autchariyapanitkul; Songsak Sriboonchitta