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Results 3841-3850 of 25840 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2015In vitro shear bond strength test and failure mechanism of zinc phosphate dental cementP. Odthon; P. Khongkhunthian; K. Sirikulrat; C. Boonruanga; N. Sirikulrat
1-Jan-2015Preparation and characterization of clays from different areas in Ban Bo Suak, Nan province, ThailandUsanee Malee; Sakdiphon Thiansem
1-Jan-2015Ethanol sensing properties of Zn<inf>2</inf>TiO<inf>4</inf> particlesTheerapong Santhaveesuk; Atcharawon Gardchareon; Duangmanee Wongratanaphisan; Supab Choopun
1-Jan-2015Dielectric, mechanical, and microstructural characterization of HA-BST compositesS. Inthong; T. Tunkasiri; G. Rujijanagul; K. Pengpat; C. Kruea-In; U. Intatha; S. Eitssayeam
1-Jan-2015Effects of T6 heat treatment with double solution treatment on microstructure, hardness and corrosion resistance of cast Al-Si-Cu alloyA. Wiengmoon; P. Sukchot; N. Tareelap; J. T.H. Pearce; T. Chairuangsri
1-Jan-2015Phase-controlled microwave synthesis of pure monoclinic BiVO<inf>4</inf>nanoparticles for photocatalytic dye degradationKanlaya Pingmuang; Andrew Nattestad; Wiyong Kangwansupamonkon; Gordon G. Wallace; Sukon Phanichphant; Jun Chen
1-Jan-2015Microstructure and erosion-corrosion behaviour of as-cast high chromium white irons containing molybdenum in aqueous sulfuric-acid slurryS. Imurai; Ch Thanachayanont; J. T.H. Pearce; T. Chairuangsri
1-Jan-2015Gas-sensing properties of Pt-V<inf>2</inf>O<inf>5</inf>thin films for ethanol detectionViruntachar Kruefu; Pusit Pookmanee; Anurat Wisitsoraat; Sukon Phanichphant
1-Jan-2015Effects of destabilisation heat treatment on microstructure, hardness and corrosion behaviour of 18wt.%Cr and 25wt.%Cr cast ironsAmporn Wiengmoon; Torranin Chairuangsri; John T.H. Pearce
1-Jan-2015Characterization of an equal channel angular pressed Al-Zn-In alloyC. Banjongprasert; A. Jak-Ra; C. Domrong; U. Patakham; W. Pongsaksawad; T. Chairuangsri