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Results 3801-3810 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2015Coproductive capacities: Rethinking science-governance relations in a diverse worldLorrae E. van Kerkhoff; Louis Lebel
1-Jan-2015Removal of haloacetonitrile by adsorption on thiol-functionalized mesoporous composites based on natural rubber and hexagonal mesoporous silicaYaowalak Krueyai; Patiparn Punyapalakul; Aunnop Wongrueng
1-Jan-2015Gender relations and water management in different eco-cultural contexts in Northern ThailandLouis Lebel; Phimphakan Lebel; Patcharawalai Sriyasak; Songphonsak Ratanawilailak; Ram C. Bastakoti; Geeta B. Bastakoti
1-Dec-2015Diversity of actinobacteria associated with Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet & Flahault macrocoloniesThanitsara Inthasotti; Wasu Pathom-aree
10-Sep-2015Isolation and screening of biopolymer-degrading microorganisms from northern ThailandWatsana Penkhrue; Chartchai Khanongnuch; Kazuo Masaki; Wasu Pathom-aree; Winita Punyodom; Saisamorn Lumyong
1-Sep-2015Cell wall protection by the Candida albicans class I chitin synthasesKanya Preechasuth; Jeffrey C. Anderson; Scott C. Peck; Alistair J.P. Brown; Neil A.R. Gow; Megan D. Lenardon
28-Aug-2015Redox gene expression of adipose-Derived stem cells in response to soft hydrogelFahsai Kantawong; Thasaneeya Kuboki; Satoru Kidoaki
1-Jun-2015An effective tool for identifying HIV-1 subtypes B, C, CRF01_AE, their recombinant forms, and dual infections in Southeast Asia by the multi-region subtype specific PCR (MSSP) assaySupachai Sakkhachornphop; Gustavo H. Kijak; Chris Beyrer; Myat Htoo Razak; Eric Sanders-Buell; Jaroon Jittiwutikarn; Vinai Suriyanon; Merlin L. Robb; Jerome H. Kim; David D. Celentano; Francine E. McCutchan; Sodsai Tovanabutra
27-Jul-2015Recombinant Multivalent EMMPRIN Extracellular Domain Induces U937 Human Leukemia Cell Apoptosis by Downregulation of Monocarboxylate Transporter 1 and Activation of Procaspase-9Nutjeera Intasai; Supansa Pata; Khajornsak Tragoolpua; Chatchai Tayapiwatana
1-Jan-2015Lipid-modified azurin of Neisseria meningitidis is a copper protein localized on the outer membrane surface and not regulated by FNRManu Deeudom; Wilhemina Huston; James W.B. Moir