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Results 3781-3790 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2014Geothermal systems of Northern Thailand and their association with faults active during the quaternarySpencer H. Wood; Fongsaward Suvagondha Singharajwarapan
1-Jan-2014Performance evaluation of a water ejection type in vacuum drying systemPipatpong Watanawanyoo; Sumpun Chaitep
1-Jan-2014Computational fluid dynamics for biomass producer gas burner development to be used in a cremation processY. Achawangkul; N. Maruyama; M. Hirota; C. Chaichana; P. Teeratitayangkul
5-Dec-2014The properties and durability of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry blocksA. Chaipanich; P. Chindaprasirt
1-Jan-2015Dielectric properties and compositional analysis of banana (Musa Sapientum Linn) and relationship to ripeningK. Sirikulrat; N. Sirikulrat
1-Jan-2015Soy sauce odour induces and enhances saltiness perceptionNapapan Chokumnoyporn; Sujinda Sriwattana; Yuthana Phimolsiripol; Damir Dennis Torrico; Witoon Prinyawiwatkul
1-Jan-2015Performance analysis of an organic Rankine cycle with internal heat exchanger having zeotropic working fluidThoranis Deethayat; Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat; Chakkraphan Thawonngamyingsakul
1-Jan-2015Designing basic relational database for analysis land-use changeOrawit Thinnukool; Noodchanath Kongchouy
1-Jan-2015Development of hybrid VANET routing protocol between buses and carsPhongsathorn Boonnithiphat; Yuthapong Somchit
1-Jan-2015Virtual machine placement method for energy saving in cloud computingPragan Wattanasomboon; Yuthapong Somchit