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Results 3721-3730 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Mar-2012Photocatalytic degradation of municipal wastewater and brilliant blue dye using hydrothermally synthesized surface-modified silver-doped ZnO designer particlesTabasom Parvin; Namratha Keerthiraj; Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim; Sukhon Phanichphant; Kullaiah Byrappa
1-Apr-2012Impact of the morphology of TiO 2 films as cathode buffer layer on the efficiency of inverted-structure polymer solar cellsOrawan Wiranwetchayan; Qifeng Zhang; Xiaoyuan Zhou; Zhiqiang Liang; Pisith Singjai; Guozhong Cao
8-Mar-2012Fabrication of transparent lead-free KNN glass ceramics by incorporation methodPloypailin Yongsiri; Sukum Eitssayeam; Gobwut Rujijanagul; Somnuk Sirisoonthorn; Tawee Tunkasiri; Kamonpan Pengpat
1-Mar-2012Comparison of physical and chemical properties of high pressure- and heat-treated Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) in syrupKatekan Dajanta; Arunee Apichartsrangkoon; Soontaree Somsang
1-Apr-2012Controlling morphologies of Bi 2S 3 nanostructures synthesized by glycolthermal methodAnukorn Phuruangrat; Somchai Thongtem; Titipun Thongtem
1-Jul-2012Boys' and Girls' Relational and Physical Aggression in Nine CountriesJennifer E. Lansford; Ann T. Skinner; Emma Sorbring; Laura Di Giunta; Kirby Deater-Deckard; Kenneth A. Dodge; Patrick S. Malone; Paul Oburu; Concetta Pastorelli; Sombat Tapanya; Liliana Maria Uribe Tirado; Arnaldo Zelli; Suha M. Al-Hassan; Liane Peña Alampay; Dario Bacchini; Anna Silvia Bombi; Marc H. Bornstein; Lei Chang
1-Feb-2012Patterns of alcohol dependence in Thai drinkers: A differential item functioning analysis of gender and age biasManit Srisurapanont; Phunnapa Kittiratanapaiboon; Surinporn Likhitsathian; Thoranin Kongsuk; Sirijit Suttajit; Boonsiri Junsirimongkol
1-Aug-2012Planning and self-efficacy can increase fruit and vegetable consumption: A randomized controlled trialPimchanok Kreausukon; Paul Gellert; Sonia Lippke; Ralf Schwarzer
1-Sep-2012Unanticipated effect of a randomized peer network intervention on depressive symptoms among young methamphetamine users in ThailandD. German; C. G. Sutcliffe; B. Sirirojn; S. G. Sherman; C. A. Latkin; A. Aramrattana; D. D. Celentano
5-Oct-2012Drinking motives, sensation seeking, and alcohol use among Thai high school studentsPenprapa Siviroj; Karl Peltzer; Supa Pengpid; Yongyuth Yungyen; Achara Chaichana