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Results 3541-3550 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2012Microstructure and strength of blended FBC-PCC fly ash geopolymer containing gypsum as an additiveKornkanok Boonserm; Vanchai Sata; Kedsarin Pimraksa; Prinya Chindaprasirt
1-Mar-2012γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) content in different varieties of brown rice during germinationD. Karladee; S. Suriyong
18-May-2012Characteristics of Mae Moh lignite: Hardgrove grindability index and approximate work indexChairoj Rattanakawin; Wutthiphong Tara
1-Mar-2012Function and expression of renal organic anion transporters in experimental diabetes in miceAnusorn Lungkaphin; Phatchawan Arjinajarn; Chutima Srimaroeng; Varanuj Chatsudthipong
18-May-2012Performance improvement tool for Thai make-to-order manufacturingJirapat Wanitwattanakosol; Sooksiri Wichaisri; Apichat Sopadang
18-Aug-2013Screening for antioxidant activity, phenolic content, and flavonoids from australian native food plantsSarana Sommano; Nola Caffin; Graham Kerven
18-Jul-2013Serum progesterone profiles in Saanen crossbred goats during a 5-day progestin-based estrous synchronization protocolThom Inya; Jureerat Sumretprasong
1-Jan-2013Delimitation of the spider genus Sesieutes Simon, 1897, with descriptions of five new species from South East Asia (Araneae: Corinnidae)Pakawin Dankittipakul; Christa Deeleman-Reinhold
1-Jan-2013Effects of 1-MCP and DPA on the changes in sesquiterpene and total phenol contents associated with superficial browning in ripe mango skinsY. Motomura; T. Nishizawa; A. Katsuta; A. Ishida; W. Kumpoun; T. Puthmee
1-Jan-2013Variation in responses to boron in riceS. Lordkaew; S. Konsaeng; J. Jongjaidee; B. Dell; B. Rerkasem; S. Jamjod