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Results 3391-3400 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2012Template-free synthesis of neodymium hydroxide nanorods by microwave-assisted hydrothermal process, and of neodymium oxide nanorods by thermal decompositionAnukorn Phuruangrat; Somchai Thongtem; Titipun Thongtem
1-Jul-2012Correlation of density and properties of particleboard from coffee waste with urea-formaldehyde and polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanatesPornchai Rachtanapun; Teerarat Sattayarak; Nisachon Ketsamak
1-Aug-2012Improved geopolymerization of bottom ash by incorporating fly ash and using waste gypsum as additiveKornkanok Boonserm; Vanchai Sata; Kedsarin Pimraksa; Prinya Chindaprasirt
1-Jan-2012Ferroelectric properties of Pb(Zr 0.52Ti 0.48)O 3-Bi 3.25La 0.75Ti 3O 12 ceramicsNavavan Thongmee; Anucha Watcharapasorn; Mark Hoffman; Sukanda Jiansirisomboon
1-Jan-2012Bio-compatible gelatins (Ala-Gly-Pro-Arg-Gly-Glu-4Hyp-Gly-Pro-) and electromechanical properties: Effects of temperature and electric fieldThawatchai Tungkavet; Datchanee Pattavarakorn; Anuvat Sirivat
1-Jan-2012Effects of treatment time by sulphur hexafluoride (SF<inf>6</inf>) plasma on barrier and mechanical properties of paperboardT. Jinkarn; S. Thawornwiriyanan; D. Boonyawan; P. Rachtanapun; S. Sane
1-Jan-2012Preparation and characterization of Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>-25 mol% ZrO<inf>2</inf>compositesA. Rittidech; T. Tunkasiri
4-Jan-2012A second crystal form of [Ni(2,2′-bipyridine)(H<inf>2</inf>O)<inf>3</inf>(NO<inf>3</inf>)](NO<inf>3</inf>) featuring a different molecular orientationApinpus Rujiwatra; Saranphong Yimklan; Timothy J. Prior
16-Jan-2012Preparation of lipid nanoemulsions incorporating curcumin for cancer therapySongyot Anuchapreeda; Yoshinobu Fukumori; Siriporn Okonogi; Hideki Ichikawa
1-Jan-2012Effect of Li addition on phase formation behavior and electrical properties of (K<inf>0.5</inf>Na<inf>0.5</inf>)NbO<inf>3</inf>lead free ceramicsSupattra Wongsaenmai; Supon Ananta; Rattikorn Yimnirun