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Results 2121-2130 of 25840 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2014Temperature changes in Southeast Asia: 1973-2008Suree Chooprateep; Nittaya McNeil
1-Jan-2014Physiological changes of fruit and vegetable carvingJomkwan Suwannarak; Putkrong Phanumong; Nithiya Rattanapanone
1-Jan-2014Proximate composition, total phenolics content and antioxidant activities of microalgal residue from biodiesel productionPamon Pumas; Chayakorn Pumas
1-Dec-2015Effect of water de-stratification on dissolved oxygen and ammonia in tilapia ponds in Northern ThailandPatcharawalai Sriyasak; Chanagun Chitmanat; Niwooti Whangchai; Jongkon Promya; Louis Lebel
5-Dec-2015Rapid moisture determination for cup lump natural rubber by near infrared spectroscopySunisa Suchat; Parichat Theanjumpol; Seppo Karrila
1-Dec-2015Development of an external rubber-clay plaster stabilized with alkaline sodium silicate to improve adobe wall rain resistancePitiwat Wattanachai; Eakphisit Banjongkliang; Rattapoohm Parichatprecha
1-Dec-2015Comparisons of nutrient status between regular season and off-season cropping of Curcuma alismatifolia GagnepS. Ruamrungsri; P. Hongpakdee
1-Jan-2014Acid-adapted arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi promote growth of legumes in phosphorus-deficient acid soilAyut Kongpun; Bernard Dell; Benjavan Rerkasem
1-Dec-2015The physiology of Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep. As a basis for the improvement of ornamental productionS. Ruamrungsri
1-Dec-2015Colacium minimum (euglenophyta), a new epiphytic species for AsiaKonrad WoĊ‚owski; Kritsana Duangjan; Yuwadee Peerapornpisal