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Results 1231-1240 of 25840 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2011Investigation on the electrical discharge characteristics of a unipolar corona-wire aerosol chargerPanich Intra; Artit Yawootti; Usanee Vinitketkumnuen; Nakorn Tippayawong
1-Mar-2011Boundary detection in medical images using edge following algorithm based on intensity gradient and texture gradient featuresKrit Somkantha; Nipon Theera-Umpon; Sansanee Auephanwiriyakul
1-Mar-2011Expert system for protection coordination of distribution system with distributed generatorsKamphol Tuitemwong; Suttichai Premrudeepreechacharn
14-Mar-2011Radiation shielding lead-free glass based on barium-bearing glass using Thailand Quartz sandsKrit Won-In; Narin Sirikulrat; Pisutti Dararutana
17-Mar-2011Synthesis and characterization of pyrochlore lead zinc niobate nanopowders derived from Zn<inf>3</inf>Nb<inf>2</inf>O<inf>8</inf> precursorPhakkhananan Pakawanit; Supon Ananta
17-Mar-2011Surface characterisation of the corundum-route lead magnesium niobate ferroelectric ceramicsLaongnuan Srisombat; Rewadee Wongmaneerung; Rattikorn Yimnirun; Supon Ananta
17-Mar-2011Influence of sintering temperature on densification and microstructure of Zn3Nb2O8 ceramics derived from nanopowdersPhakkhananan Pakawanit; Supon Ananta
1-Mar-2011Genetic algorithm-aided reliability analysisN. Harnpornchai
1-Dec-2011Development of e-Health application for Medical Center in National Broadband ProjectK. Noimanee; S. Noimanee; S. Wattanasirichaigoon; N. La-Oopugsin; V. Mahasitthiwat; K. Thongbunjob; S. Tungjitkusolmun; P. Ratleadkarn
3-Aug-2011A framework to lead Thai SMEs to fit international business requirement: Case study of Solution Ceramic Co., Ltd., ThailandSoontarin Nupap; Nopasit Chakpitak; Pradorn Sureephong; Ridha Derrouiche; Gilles Neubert