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dc.contributor.authorD. C. Thinhen_US
dc.contributor.authorJ. Uthaibutraen_US
dc.contributor.authorA. Joomwongen_US
dc.description.abstractThe quality and shelf life of 'Cat Hoa Loc' mango fruit were determined in response to wax coating methods. Mature green fruits harvested at 75-84 days after fruit set were selected for uniformity in shape, color and density and then washed and air-dried. Fruits were coated with 6% bee-carnauba wax emulsion by dipping, spraying using a spray bottle, or wiping using a smooth sponge before storage at ambient (29-33°C) for ripening. At the end of storage, fruits were assessed for total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), weight loss, storage life and sensory quality. The results showed that fruits waxed by dipping for 20 s had the longest storage life (9.3 days) and highest appearance quality but lowest in TSS (19.6%), taste and flavor quality. Dipping in the wax emulsion for 8 s appeared to be the most promising treatment based on storage life (8.2 days), TSS content (22.7%), appearance, taste and flavor. This treatment had comparable effects as that of waxing by spraying or wiping.en_US
dc.subjectAgricultural and Biological Sciencesen_US
dc.titleEffect of wax coating methods on quality and storage life of 'Cat Hoa Loc' mango fruiten_US
dc.typeBook Seriesen_US
article.title.sourcetitleActa Horticulturaeen_US
article.volume1088en_US Mai Universityen_US of Food Industryen_US Universityen_US
Appears in Collections:CMUL: Journal Articles

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