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Results 1-10 of 88 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2018Investigation of the key determinants of Asian nurses’ quality of lifeSachiko Makabe; Yanika Kowitlawakul; Mohd Said Nurumal; Junko Takagai; Orn Anong Wichaikhum; Neyzang Wangmo; Suk Foon Yap; Wipada Kunaviktikul; Junko Komatsu; Hideko Shirakawa; Yutaka Kimura; Yoshihiro Asanuma
27-Apr-2018Augmentation of diethylnitrosamine–induced early stages of rat hepatocarcinogenesis by 1,2-dimethylhydrazineCharatda Punvittayagul; Arpamas Chariyakornkul; Teera Chewonarin; Kanokwan Jarukamjorn; Rawiwan Wongpoomchai
1-May-2018Urinary cadmium threshold to prevent kidney disease developmentSoisungwan Satarug; Werawan Ruangyuttikarn; Muneko Nishijo; Patricia Ruiz
2-Jan-2018A significant mechanism of molecular recognition between bioflavonoids and P-glycoprotein leading to herb-drug interactionsPathomwat Wongrattanakamon; Piyarat Nimmanpipug; Busaban Sirithunyalug; Sunee Chansakaow; Supat Jiranusornkul
1-Jan-2018An evaluation of the antioxidant properties of iodinated radiographic contrast media: An in vitro studyMontree Tungjai; Singhadeth Sukantamala; Pimchanok Malasaem; Nathupakorn Dechsupa; Suchart Kothan
4-Jul-2018Investigation of associations between exposures to pesticides and testosterone levels in Thai farmersParinya Panuwet; Chandresh Ladva; Dana Boyd Barr; Tippawan Prapamontol; John D. Meeker; Priya Esilda D'Souza; Héctor Maldonado; P. Barry Ryan; Mark G. Robson
1-Sep-2018Forest plantations and climate change discourses: New powers of ‘green’ grabbing in CambodiaArnim Scheidel; Courtney Work
1-Feb-2018Intercropping Maize with Legumes for Sustainable Highland Maize ProductionAdirek Punyalue; Sansanee Jamjod; Benjavan Rerkasem
1-Feb-2018Communal land titling dilemmas in northern Thailand: From community forestry to beneficial yet risky and uncertain optionsChusak Wittayapak; Ian G. Baird
1-Apr-2018Low pressure biomethane gas adsorption by activated carbonSirichai Koonaphapdeelert; James Moran; Pruk Aggarangsi; Asira Bunkham