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Results 21-30 of 37 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Feb-2016Why it is important to precisiate goalsOlga Kosheleva; Vladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen
1-Jan-2018How better are predictive models: Analysis on the practically important example of robust interval uncertaintyVladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen; Songsak Sriboonchitta; Olga Kosheleva
1-Jan-2018How to gauge accuracy of processing big data: Teaching machine learning techniques to gauge their own accuracyVladik Kreinovich; Thongchai Dumrongpokaphan; Hung T. Nguyen; Olga Kosheleva
1-Jan-2018Quantum ideas in economics beyond quantum econometricsVladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen; Songsak Sriboonchitta
1-Jan-2015Why copulas have been successful in many practical applications: A theoretical explanation based on computational efficiencyVladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen; Songsak Sriboonchitta; Olga Kosheleva
1-Jan-201550 Years of fuzzy: From discrete to continuous to - Where?Vladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen; Olga Kosheleva; Rujira Ouncharoen
1-Jan-2015Why Lattice-valued fuzzy values? A mathematical justificationRujira Ouncharoen; Vladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen
1-Feb-2017Robustness as a criterion for selecting a probability distribution under uncertaintySongsak Sriboonchitta; Hung T. Nguyen; Vladik Kreinovich; Olga Kosheleva
1-Jan-2017Modeling extremal events is not easy: Why the extreme value theorem cannot be as general as the central limit theoremVladik Kreinovich; Hung T. Nguyen; Songsak Sriboonchitta; Olga Kosheleva
1-Jan-2017Why is linear quantile regression empirically successful: A possible explanationHung T. Nguyen; Vladik Kreinovich; Olga Kosheleva; Songsak Sriboonchitta