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Showing results 27734 to 27753 of 59790 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Aug-2013The Wa authority and good governance, 1989-2007Ronald D. Renard
1-Jan-2014Wage determination and compensating wage differentials in the informal sector: A quantile regression with multi-level sample selectionPisit Leeahtam; Supanika Leurcharusmee; Peerapat Jatukannyaprateep
1-Jul-2021Waist circumference and bmi are strongly correlated with mri-derived fat compartments in young adultsDuanghathai Pasanta; Khin Thandar Htun; Jie Pan; Montree Tungjai; Siriprapa Kaewjaeng; Sirirat Chancharunee; Singkome Tima; Hongjoo Kim; Jakrapong Kæwkhao; Suchart Kothan
1-Jan-2022Waist-to-Height Ratio Is a Good Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents: A Report From the Thai National Health Examination Survey V, 2014Sirinapa Siwarom; Kwanchai Pirojsakul; Wichai Aekplakorn; Witchuri Paksi; Pattapong Kessomboon; Nareemarn Neelapaichit; Suwat Chariyalertsak; Savitree Assanangkornchai; Surasak Taneepanichskul
1-Jan-2014Warehouse storage assignment: The case study of a plastic bag manufacturerC. Kasemset; J. Sudphan
1-Dec-2011Warehouse storage assignment: The case study of camera and lense manufacturerC. Kasemset; C. Rinkham
1-Mar-2017Waste-to-energy: Producer gas production from fuel briquette of energy crop in ThailandKittikorn Sasujit; Natthawud Dussadee; Nigran Homdoung; Rameshprabu Ramaraj; Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat
29-Oct-2013Wastewater treatment performances of horizontal and vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland systems in tropical climateSuwasa Kantawanichkul; Suparurk Wannasri
1-Mar-2022Water absorption and compressive strength of various coal fly ash-based geopolymer pastesChakkresit Chindawong; Kedsarin Pimraksa; Nattapong Damrongwiriyanupap; Naruemon Setthaya; Panias Dimitrios
1-Jan-2011Water adsorption isotherms and thermodynamic analysis of Thai style marinated dried fish (Pla Sawan)Yongyut Chalermchat; Pinyo Owasit
1-Jan-2007Water allocation and management in Northern Thailand: The case of mae sa watershedAndreas Neef; Chapika Sangkapitux; Wolfram Spreer; Peter Elstner; Liane Chamsai; Anne Bollen; Jirawan Kitchaicharoen
1-Jan-2020Water balance model as a tool for building participation and joint water use promotion at the river basin level<sup>*</sup>Thanaporn Supriyasilp; Kobkiat Pongput
1-Dec-2005Water flow patterns and pesticide fluxes in an upland soil in northern ThailandH. Ciglasch; W. Amelung; S. Totrakool; M. Kaupenjohann
Jul-2014Water Footprint of Sugarcane Cultivation in Heavy Metals Contaminated Area, Mae Sot District, Tak Provinceชิตชล ผลารักษ์; มูเนซึกุ คาวาชิมา; สมพร จันทระ; Nattawut Sareein; ณัฐวุฒิ สารีอินทร์
1-Mar-2020Water irrigation decision support system for practicalweir adjustment using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniquesBenya Suntaranont; Somrawee Aramkul; Manop Kaewmoracharoen; Paskorn Champrasert
18-Oct-2017Water level prediction using artificial neural network with particle swarm optimization modelPornnapa Panyadee; Paskorn Champrasert; Chuchoke Aryupong
Aug-2014Water Management for Agriculture of Mae Taeng Irrigation Water User Association, Chiang Mai ProvinceAssoc. Prof. Dr.Ruth Sirisunyaluck; Assoc. Prof. Dr.Wallratat Intaruccomporn; Assoc. Prof. Rampaipan Apichatpongchai; Porramin Narata
2011Water management in a strip cell stack of proton exchange membrane fuel cells = การจัดการน้ำภายในสแต็กเซลล์แบแถบของเซลล์เชื้อเพลิงชนิดเมมเบรนแลกเปลี่ยนโปรตอน/ Songwut NirunsinSongwut Nirunsin
1-Sep-2007A water model for water and environmental management at Mae Moh mine area in ThailandThirakiat Bhakdisongkhram; S. Koottatep; Sirin Towprayoon
1-Sep-2009Water quality and heavy metal monitoring in water, sediments, and tissues of Corbicula sp. from Bung Boraphet reservoir, ThailandTinnapan Netpae; Chitchol Phalaraksh