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Showing results 12290 to 12309 of 59790 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Apr-2016(G, F)-closed set and coupled coincidence point theorems for a generalized compatible in partially metric spacesPhakdi Charoensawan
1-Jan-2008GA-based automatic test data generation for UML state diagrams with parallel pathsC. Doungsa-Ard; K. Dahal; A. Hossain; T. Suwannasart
16-Dec-2019GADGET-2 simulation for active galactic nuclei feedback in galaxy NGC 5252M. Boonmalai; U. Sawangwit; S. Wannawichian
1-Jul-2022Gadoxetate-Enhanced MRI as a Diagnostic Tool in the Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Report from a 2020 Asia-Pacific Multidisciplinary Expert MeetingCher Heng Tan; Shu Cheng Chou; Nakarin Inmutto; Ke Ma; Ruofan Sheng; Yinghong Shi; Zhongguo Zhou; Akira Yamada; Ryosuke Tateishi
17-Jan-2017Gain enhancement of slot array for base station using cavity of curved-woodpile metamaterialRangsan Wongsan; Paowphattra Kamphikul
20-Nov-2017Gain improvement for conventional rectangular horn antenna with additional two-layer wire medium structureS. Kampeephat; P. Kamphikul; R. Wongsan
6-Sep-2016Gain improvement for rectangular horn antenna by using curved-woodpile metamaterialPaowphattra Kamphikul; Rangsan Wongsan
19-May-2021Gain improvement of slot antenna with wire medium for modern wireless communicationAitthiphak Boonyakiat; Paowphattra Kamphikul
22-Nov-2021Gaining Holistic Insight to Inthakin Festival via Stellarium Sky-mappingVeerapat Sintupong; Satanan Sanpabopit; Suphakarn Chaisuk; Cherdsak Saelee; Orapin Riyaprao
1-Jan-2020Gaining insights into why professionals continue or abandon pro bono servicePaul G. Patterson; Janet R. McColl-Kennedy; Jenny (Jiyeon) Lee; Michael K. Brady
1-Jan-2010Gaining public acceptance: A critical strategic priority of the World Commission on DamsJohn Dore; Louis Lebel
1-Jan-2009Galantamine for the treatment of BPSD in Thai patients with possible Alzheimer's disease with or without cerebrovascular diseaseS. Tangwongchai; N. Thavichachart; V. Senanarong; N. Poungvarin; K. Phanthumchinda; R. Praditsuwan; S. Nidhinandana; S. Chankrachang
7-Jan-2022Galaxy evolution in different environments along redshift within the local universe z &lt; 0.8Ponlawat Yoifoi; Wichean Kriwattanawong
Feb-2022Galaxy evolution in different environments within redshift z ∼ 0.8 universeWichean Kriwattanawong; Ponlawat Yoifoi
1-Mar-2011The galaxy population of Abell 1367: Photometric and spectroscopic dataW. Kriwattanawong; C. Moss; P. A. James; D. Carter
1-Apr-2011The galaxy population of Abell 1367: The stellar mass-metallicity relationM. Mouhcine; W. Kriwattanawong; P. A. James
1-Oct-2021Gallic acid enhances pirarubicin-induced anticancer in living K562 and K562/Dox leukemia cancer cells through cellular energetic state impairment and P-glycoprotein inhibitionKhin Thenu Aye; Sakornniya Wattanapongpitak; Benjamaporn Supawat; Suchart Kothan; Chatchanok Udomtanakunchai; Singkome Tima; Jie Pan; Montree Tungjai
2019Gallocyanine as An Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of Benzimidazoles in Aqueous EthanolMin Zhang; Chunshu Liao; Zhenyuan Lin; Bin Li; Yibiao Li; Lu Chen
1-Sep-2021Gallotannin from bouea macrophylla seed extract suppresses cancer stem‐like cells and radiosensitizes head and neck cancerJiraporn Kantapan; Nathupakorn Dechsupa; Damrongsak Tippanya; Wannapha Nobnop; Imjai Chitapanarux
1-Jan-2022Gambogic Acid and Piperine Synergistically Induce Apoptosis in Human Cholangiocarcinoma Cell via Caspase and Mitochondria-Mediated PathwayRittibet Yapasert; Ratana Banjerdpongchai